Our Eppic Life

Eppisode 16-Success: Not Just Wealth and Fame

Tyler & Sapphira Epp Season 1 Episode 16

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Who says success is only about wealth and fame? It's high time we debunk this myth together. Join us as we unravel a new, more profound definition of success that isn't linked solely to the size of your bank account or the number of expensive items you possess. We've all seen those videos boasting about money people have in their banks and some even selling their bath water – but is that really success? Let's challenge the norm together.

Success isn't a one-size-fits-all concept. It's not just about financial freedom, but also about building strong relationships, establishing trust, and achieving personal goals. In our journey to redefine success, we'll be discussing everything from our long-term and short-term goals to the trials and tribulations that come with the quest for achievement. We'll also delve into the power of words as a measure of success in relationships, a perspective that's often overlooked in favor of material wealth.

As we continue our conversation, we take a deep dive into the concept of success from a Biblical perspective. Ever wondered how scriptures define success? It turns out, it's not about the riches or the fame, but obedience to God, love for Him, and our efforts towards advancing His Kingdom. We also share a heartwarming story of a family who chose obedience over worldly success – a testament to the fact that success isn't confined to our worldly achievements but also lies in our kindness and empathy towards others. So are you ready to redefine success with us?

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, that's a different start.

Speaker 2:

It is.

Speaker 1:

We're switching up. Hi guys Hi guys, hi guys, is that how we're starting?

Speaker 2:

I guess We've already started. Praise the Lord.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode with us epic people.

Speaker 2:

We are epic people. We are, but it felt like you forgot the name of our podcaster for a second.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Welcome back to us, epic people, no, our epic life.

Speaker 1:

I knew what I was saying Amen. What was your highlight Of the day or the week?

Speaker 2:

My highlight was I started well. today was my, my day, My first official day working at the church. Did I, did?

Speaker 1:

I say that last time- I don't know if you did.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I got a job at the church.

Speaker 1:

An additional job.

Speaker 2:

An additional job at our church, so I'm a pastor now. I'm running.

Speaker 1:

No, i've been running the campus.

Speaker 2:

No, i'm ordained. I can bury and marry people. No, he cannot, don't.

Speaker 1:

Don't listen.

Speaker 2:

Pretty much everything a pope can do. I can do No, yeah, so that's exciting. The pope is not great. That's the entire Catholic faith that you are just stomping on.

Speaker 1:

Well, we don't need to get into it.

Speaker 2:

Don't open that box, let's get into it. Um, anyways, yes, i'm not a pastor at the moment.

Speaker 1:

Just say what your job is. I'm a bishop, is what I am.

Speaker 2:

Deacon Reverend.

Speaker 1:

No No.

Speaker 2:

I'm working at our church and I am a guest experience director, which basically means I just look after everything that involves guest experience Greeters, hosts, security, all teams. All teams. I just I look over The atmosphere of church, the atmosphere of church. I make sure everything's set up Food for volunteers. I get them fed.

Speaker 1:

Um, yeah, keep them coming back for more Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Next week is Costco hot dogs for everybody. Hey, we want to get that building made. We got to start cutting budget somewhere and a. Costco hot dog and a drink is $1.50. Anybody has a problem with that? Go serve somewhere else. Going about this the whole wrong way Yes, That's right Well as a bishop, I need you to set the tone.

Speaker 1:

So, that's your highlight, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's my highlight.

Speaker 1:

She could just wake up, that'd be pretty. Sorry, i'm not sure what mine is. I had a pretty hormonal day today, pregnancy wise, so I was a little bit irritable like all day.

Speaker 2:

Would you say that this pregnancy has been your most hormonal? Yes, okay, 100%.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad you said it. Yeah, thank you, you've been super gracious.

Speaker 2:

I have. You're going to look at me and tell me I haven't.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, yes, yes. what I have been incredibly emotional, erratic and hormonal, and I have been patient from time to time and a button pusher from time to time. There's just all the emotions getting the best of me a lot of the time and it's very frustrating for me to have to deal with Right, but the pregnancy has been great, so that's a plus.

Speaker 2:

But you realize, as a reverend, i'm trying to bring the best out of me.

Speaker 1:

All that being said, i can't think of a highlight right now.

Speaker 2:

Okay, Your highlight is being here with me right now. Yes, that's what you meant to say Time together, time together.

Speaker 1:

I have a happy baby growing in my belly Yep. That is a highlight. Blessed.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So today I was going to say tonight, but who knows when you're listening. So today the topic is success, so we're just going to jump right in and just talk about all things success.

Speaker 2:

Here's our five step program. For $29.99 to success, no, $29.99. $29.99. Four easy gains.

Speaker 1:

So we're covering all the bases of what does success look like and compare it to what it means to us, and all this kind of stuff, because the title I had, which you didn't want- was success does not mean money, which I meant that, as it's not just limited to the money that you have, It is poured into all aspects of your life. So we just want to explain again, only from our perspective, what it means to us. So the first question What does success look like in the world?

Speaker 2:

In the world. I'd say success in the world means you're bagging chicks. Oh gosh, you have enough money to blow on nightclubs. Do drugs, drink. Have no strings attached.

Speaker 1:

You went very extreme.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's what success is in the world. You're not wrong. Look at all the influencers out there. Look at what they push as success.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

The name brand clothes, the big watches, the fancy cars, they're partying.

Speaker 2:

They got girls around them.

Speaker 1:

Big houses.

Speaker 2:

Or the girls they're showing off their bodies and doing this and doing that, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

All the work they've had done.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yes, in our world today, a lot of those things define people's successes in their lives unfortunately Right, and the money in their account obviously Mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

I saw a video the other day. Literally the question was how much money do you have in your bank account? They were just going around.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've seen those Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And people are like 300 grand.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like 1.5 million. And then they show them and it's like the most absurd one was yes, this girl is like how much money do you have in your bank account? She's like I think at the moment like 650 grand, and he's like, oh, what do you do? She's like I sell bath water And he's like, oh, my goodness, yeah All those grody ones.

Speaker 1:

I need to get in on selling my bath water. All those grody ones are just not okay.

Speaker 2:

Explain this to me. It's my same concept of the feet pics. okay, if I put them out there, it's not on me what anybody does there.

Speaker 1:

No, they're contributing to a disgusting fetish. No, no, i'm not. And that's a sexual thing. No, no.

Speaker 2:

I'm not putting it out as a fetish. I'm just putting it out like, hey, look at my feet and look at this bath water, right, And it's just like what you do is that that's your personal convictions and your personal walk.

Speaker 1:

It could go as far as causing someone to stumble because they're not living their best life.

Speaker 2:

These dogs would make some people stumble, i know that's true. Yeah, anyway, rough, anyways, that's.

Speaker 1:

that's the basic picture of the world view of success.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's kind of sad because it's empty Right. It seems fulfilling and fun in the moment And then you go home and you know you're left with your thoughts and who you are as a person and what are you doing with your life?

Speaker 2:

So anyway. but it's hard for us to say that it's, it's hard for somebody to hear. Hear us say that because we've never lived that life, so how? did we tell them that it's empty.

Speaker 1:

Well, and I'm not saying that, if you have all those things, you're not happy. If you're a Christian and you have that life and you're, you know which life are you talking? about a successful one with the money aspect of it right. That is a blessing, and you're humble about it and you work hard and you've worked hard to get to that point and you give and you serve all this kind of stuff. Kudos, you're living God's best life for you. I applaud you.

Speaker 2:

Today's episode is brought to you by Plum Dog Services, your go to plumbing experts for all your residential and commercial needs. Whether you're dealing with a clog drain or planning a plumbing renovation, Plum Dog has got you covered. Servicing all around central Alberta. Reach them at 403-588-2901. When it comes to plumbing, they truly are the top dogs. But yeah, it's just way to go. But what do you make of the verse where it says it will be harder for a rich man to get into heaven than the camel to go through the Ivan eel? What do you make of that?

Speaker 1:

Are we meant to be rich? Well, I feel like that's more of a comparison to like somebody who's just like sheer greedy and like just strives for the money only in their life and that's it.

Speaker 1:

And like if you are a blessed person in the financial aspect of your life but you're not generous or you don't just give back in any sense of the word, like you serve your time, you serve people that need it, you give to people that need it all this kind of stuff like what are you doing with all that money? What do you need it for? Anyway, what does it look like to you and I? Success look like to you and I.

Speaker 2:

Success to me would be that our children are serving the Lord, and as long as they're serving the Lord, success.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree.

Speaker 2:

And inheritance left for our family.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's the thing too. We want to set our kids up as much as ourselves up for success in this lifetime. We don't just want to be lazy and be like, oh, the Lord will give us all that we need and we just sit and do nothing. That does not bode well for us, and I'm not saying that God doesn't provide when you're just standing still, but you have to take a step in some sort of direction in order for him to give you favor in those areas.

Speaker 2:

It does say that faith without works is dead.

Speaker 1:

So, but yes, i think it also full circle of like success means that you have a healthy marriage. Your communication strong. Your physical affection towards each other is strong. Your did. I say communication, i said that first.

Speaker 2:

No, i said it first.

Speaker 1:

I think, okay, communication, communication, um, and just every aspect of your life with other people and your relationship with other people is as best as it can be Like, as long as you're trying to some extent, and that that quantifies it as success to me. Right, that you're actually trying and you're, but you're not trying to like people, please.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You're trying to do what God has asked of you, which?

Speaker 2:

is just to love people. If you are, if you are on your deathbed. What were some, what is some things that you would want people to say that would make you be like I was successful in my time here.

Speaker 1:

That's a. That's a. That's a good question.

Speaker 2:

What would you want them to say?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'd already be dead, so I can't say anything.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my word, i'm definitely going to have this argument again of I'm going first.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i definitely am going first Look at the things I do. I definitely am going first. Anyway, that's a whole other topic. Our next podcast will be titled who's going to die first?

Speaker 1:

There's a need to be a discussion.

Speaker 2:

We just take a poll Message your uh, your vote. Who will die?

Speaker 1:

first in life.

Speaker 2:

Tyler or Safira. Anyways, what would you want them to say? What would they? what would they say? that you would be like, ah, i have a successful one.

Speaker 1:

Well, i would hope that they would say like she was always loving and affectionate with her, because I love to hug people, i do hug people and I make sure to go out of my way to do it when I see them.

Speaker 1:

I hope that I, like I was caring and like open in my home to them and like shared wisdom or advice with them and just like supported them but also spoke God's truth not my truth, god's truth in their life and like challenged them Right Cause I don't. I don't like being wishy-washy, i don't like being I'm a. I'm a actually I saw a video of it. It was the difference you saw it with me, i think, the difference between a peacekeeper and a peacemaker. a peacekeeper is somebody who keeps the peace but resists, like, the confrontation of it. A peacemaker is somebody that's willing to fight to get towards peace. Right, so the conflict of it.

Speaker 1:

And I always thought that I was a peacekeeper. but I'm a peacemaker and I always, in all of my friendships, i've always strived to make sure that I fight like if I, if it literally comes to a fight, like arguing and all this kind of stuff with your friends, as long as we get to peace at the end of it. that's what that's what my goal is. I hope that people see that in me when all the dynamics of my friendships that have shifted over the years like I hope that they know that I've always fought for them and not for my best interest of being like I need you as my friend, but like is this what God wants for you? Is this your best life for God?

Speaker 2:

So if you had to throw hands to keep a friendship, if you literally had to grab them and punch them in the face, would you do it? No, you wouldn't. No, i wouldn't punch you. Okay, i don't want to hit anybody, but you said you're you would fight for peace.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but like literally fight with my words for them, like speak love and truth over them, not physically, I hate with them.

Speaker 2:

So it stops at the physical.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay. I've never gotten a physical fight with somebody. Okay, i'm just saying, if it was for friendship, yeah, i guess that's my limit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i don't want to hit anybody. All your friends know now that.

Speaker 2:

that's the peak Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Do you want me to ask you that?

Speaker 2:

question I would, yeah, I'm waiting.

Speaker 1:

Okay, when you die.

Speaker 2:

First After me, right Oh.

Speaker 1:

Nonchance. Anyways, what would you think or hope that people said about you? that would say you were successful.

Speaker 2:

Well, i would, i would probably. No, i would want them to say that they trusted me. I would say that would speak a lot. I would say loyal to loyal. Yeah, He was loyal and I trusted him. Because it's like I can make people, i can make anybody laugh, i can give my time to people. I could, i can love people, but for them to say that I, they trusted me, would probably be like one of the biggest things, because once you trust somebody, it's like that's one of the biggest things I find with people, that it's like that's when you take it to the next level.

Speaker 1:

Well, it shows that you're loyal. It shows that you're truthful and meaningful and intentional with your actions. Right And like, if things are said, which people talk. People talk about us all the time. They've talked about us in our life, whatever, But it's like sometimes it's just not true, Sometimes it's just hurtful things that they say about us, But if our actions speak louder than that, it proves that they're lying and it shows our character.

Speaker 2:

And sometimes they speak about us and it's straight up truth, because sometimes we suck.

Speaker 1:

I'm not.

Speaker 2:

Jesus. I'm not perfect, i'm not Jesus, i am not Jesus.

Speaker 1:

What are our goals to be successful? What are our goals to be? successful, we'll just say currently because they've changed. Yeah, they've changed quite a lot. Yeah, honestly, though, probably day to day. Yeah, i don't know. I guess our biggest one right now, if we're just being honest, is just to get out of debt. That's one of our biggest things right now, which we are on track, potentially this year, which is exciting. Mm-hmm, Fall goes well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, another just kind of short term ish goal but not really it's long term is have another healthy baby and raise another little person to grow up in the church and serve the Lord and love their family and their siblings and all this kind of stuff and walk in the call that God has called them in their life. Honestly, i was praying today when I took the kids to the park and I was just because I was having such a hormonally off day. the kids were just difficult and they're listening for the day The kids were difficult.

Speaker 2:

Have you tried asking them not?

Speaker 1:

to be difficult. Oh no, i didn't think of that.

Speaker 2:

Have you tried telling them maybe more than once? No, I only ever say one time. Then you freak out.

Speaker 1:

But I honestly I want to be the best mom that I can be for the kids and I want to make sure that I'm being a representation of a Christian mom and somebody who relies on the Holy Spirit in the day and prays without whispering it to myself. I want to be the best example to them so that they can just live out loud and not have any insecurities about anything. But they're just exuding confidence in who they are, which they already kind of do. They're very much people, persons. Scarlett was yelling at people today in the car out the window, saying hi to everybody, like literally yelling at them more than once. That's just showing love to people. That's Jesus. She is being Jesus to them just by doing that.

Speaker 2:

I try to be Christ like to the kids, in the sense of if they're just creating my house, i'll come in and flip tables and start whipping them.

Speaker 1:

My goodness, you can't say that.

Speaker 2:

It's as Christ, like as I can be. Show me It's not true. Show me in the Bible where I'm wrong. That's what Jesus did. Anyways, i forget the question now. Goals, goals, yeah.

Speaker 1:

The goal is to have time with you, right? Yes, which is very difficult in this season, yep, and especially me being the planner of it all. Tyler just kind of flies by the seat of his pants and I have to pull them in every once in a while and be like hey, like we need to have some time.

Speaker 2:

Right. And what do I say? No, yeah, absolutely not. I'm busy, great.

Speaker 1:

You don't have goals.

Speaker 2:

You pretty much spoke for both of us there. I am in agreement with that. How can you? You don't have goals. I'm goalless. I fly by the seat of my pants apparently.

Speaker 1:

You do. What does that even mean? What does that even mean? Fly by the seat, fly by the seat of your pants.

Speaker 2:

What is that?

Speaker 1:

I feel like we just say stuff and we don't really like.

Speaker 2:

It's one of the absurd say absurd things. I don't know, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know I don't know, there's a lot of absurd.

Speaker 1:

Absurd sayings of the world.

Speaker 2:

I imagine somebody is bent over running and their pants flapping.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what it means. That guy is flying by the seat of his pants. Wouldn't it be his jeans flapping in the way? Yeah?

Speaker 2:

Maybe I'm taking my pants and I'm using it as like a.

Speaker 1:

Maybe like a parachute. I didn't invent it.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 1:

But you should think about what you say. Words have power. Didn't hurt your feelings a little bit. How can you strive to be successful?

Speaker 2:

How can you strive to be successful? Strive for success? Oh good one. Strive to be successful. I mean it all depends on what you find as success, if you like, for me to have the kids serve the Lord and love the Lord their whole life and all that. So for me to strive with that, to strive towards that, would be for me to be in church, show them how to love the Lord, show them how to serve His house. So I think it just depends on what you think is successful. If successful is having your own company working for yourself, how do you strive for that And you start a company and you start building something for yourself and you strive towards that. So I don't know, i think it just depends on what you find successful. Yeah, i don't think there's one way to strive for greatness. No, or greatness, i mean successful.

Speaker 1:

It's both hand in hand, hand in hand, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But it's just like somebody's idea of success is getting into the NBA or NHL or whatever, or Olympics, or Olympics, and it's like how do they strive for that? Well, they train, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You train.

Speaker 2:

You train. I'm Yuri, the train of the trains, pink Panther.

Speaker 1:

Pink Panther.

Speaker 2:

Um, but it's like that's not my idea of success. So there's many different ways to strive for it. Yes, and if God gives you a vision for your success, the way that you're striving for it may not be the same as the other person, so it may look weird to them and it may look pointless. But if you're striving for something that God's put on your heart or is giving you the vision you just got, to strive for it the way that God wants you to, and people will be like that won't work. That doesn't make sense. That's a very hard industry to get into. There's so many people in that industry. How are you going to do that? Well, this is what God told me, so I'm going to strive for it.

Speaker 1:

Success in money versus life, versus relationships versus standards for your life? Do they compare?

Speaker 2:

I can use money to buy relationships, so whoa, whoa. Whoa. No, that's, that's, that's not that's when you do the podcast. Wow, wow, yeah, wow, do it Wow.

Speaker 1:

You're doing it enough. Do it Owen.

Speaker 2:

Wilson Wow, i can't do it. No, just try. Wow, wow, yeah, see, it's bang on. Anyways, read it again, because I don't fully do they compare, like the success in money compare with success in a relationship.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's like they don't compare.

Speaker 2:

Right. Because, so you set me up for failure. I'm sorry, i didn't mean to.

Speaker 1:

That's okay. They don't compare because all those aspects look different. Right, like you should strive to be successful in your relationships, but you wouldn't strive the same as you would for maybe your marriage right? Or your career goals or whatever. Like, yeah, the extent that you put into each of those things is different, right, so like not that people in your life are not worth the investment, but you, you would spend.

Speaker 2:

People aren't.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's not not wrong. Not wrong, but you know who you are. You always do that.

Speaker 2:

You always blame the whoever is the unnamed because you know they're sitting at home and like he means me.

Speaker 1:

I know my goodness. You made me lose my train of thought.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, you wouldn't put so so much of an investment into people that you don't necessarily want in your life versus what you'd put into your spouse, right, like you want. You want that connection. You want to make sure you're always growing and striving for success together, right? So it does look different. And then you'd you'd translate that into what you're striving for in your job And that looks different in comparison to what your marriage looks like, right, versus what your kids look like, like it's all right, okay. So what you mean is no comparison really.

Speaker 2:

So what you mean is, like you, you want to strive for success in your job, but you want to strive for success in your marriage, and how you pursue those two will look different because it's like, obviously, for me, personally, marriage is well above the job. I want my, my marriage to be way more successful, like I want it to be one of the most successful things that I have. So the work that I put into my marriage will look different than the work I put into my work, but I'm still striving for success in both. Yes, right.

Speaker 1:

Does or sorry does being successful mean sacrifice?

Speaker 2:

No, you can just next question. Next question.

Speaker 1:

You're a liar. 1000%. It means sacrifice, right, like let's, let's take working out, for example, and or just wanting to be healthier in general, right, the sacrifice of that is Wow, wow. Yeah. The sacrifice of that is not giving into your cravings or indulgences. Or, right, wanting to be lazy over choosing to work out once a day, right, and like, i've been fighting for this a little bit this whole year So well, not this whole year since I got pregnant because I just don't want to work out at all. Right, I have no desire to. I'm completely exhausted by the end of the day. Sure, i know. I know for a fact that I will work out once I'm postpartum and able to, you know, have some freedom. Right, quote, unquote or time to myself. We'll see. With four kids, it's going to be a new shift, yeah, but yeah, it's just, it takes sacrifice. It takes either go sit on the couch and get a bad snack, or you choose to eat healthier things in the day and maybe go for a walk.

Speaker 2:

Right, i'd say the number one thing that we sacrifice for anything is our time.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like you, choose what you put your time into. Right, but it's like our time, like I'm not ours, like you and I just like my time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, people's time in general.

Speaker 2:

The, because it's like we all have our time of what we want to do, mm hmm.

Speaker 1:

In order to all default selfish.

Speaker 2:

Sure, but it's like if I want to have a successful relationship with my kids doesn't mean I get, i need, i need to sacrifice what I want to do, even though I want to be with them, but I need to sacrifice what I want to do to go and be with them and build with them. So I think time is the most, is the one of the number one things that we sacrifice because, like, yeah, you have to break it up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like relationship with family. I Don't always want to go to family dinner, not that I don't enjoy it, it's just sometimes it's like I want to have a Saturday to myself, but That's not striving for success with Family. So I'm gonna sacrifice my time for what I want to do selfishly and and invest it in them. So I'd say time is the number one thing and and There's always always time to you, always find time for the things that you truly want to do Yes, always. And like Who was it? Arnold Schwarzenegger? was he's like? He's one of the things that he says like there's always time to work out, there's always time to invest in yourself, to get yourself healthy and all this kind of stuff. And I thought I was like That's not entirely true because a single mom of like three kids working two jobs She doesn't have time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like I'm, sure if she does, probably doesn't work out right. So it's like she doesn't want to go work out. She wants to invest time into it herself. So it's like if for somebody to say that there's always time for this specific thing, it's like to you, maybe yeah. In your life that you could always find the time for that thing, but that doesn't always apply to somebody else.

Speaker 1:

I do have a hard time with celebrities saying stuff like that, because it's like you have a lot of money. You could literally pay somebody to make your meals and you could work out the whole day.

Speaker 2:

You can pay somebody to work out for you The best, the honestly, guys, if you don't, if you only take one thing from us here, if there's one celebrity that you could, There's one celebrity that you could just put all your time into focus on what she says and just take it to heart. Because she'll motivate you and she just knows what this like. She has all the answers. It's came in Kardashian, one of the best quotes.

Speaker 1:

She's ever said to me personally.

Speaker 2:

You've all heard it was Nobody wants to effing work anymore.

Speaker 1:

Everybody's lazy. You have to get up and get, do you?

Speaker 2:

and I said get off, you're effing. But yeah, and work, and work and I was just like. So, right as we're sitting on the couch watching this show for some reason, i was just like she's so right. and then I thought back to myself How did she get famous, which you can look at up, don't look it up, but I feel like once you have success, you can say anything. And people will take it as gold, but it's like, but, but like. They came for money.

Speaker 1:

Sure, they did all the money and they have all the money coming in still, this is now a bash the Kardashians podcast.

Speaker 2:

They're just a special kind of breed of people.

Speaker 1:

I don't have a lot for them but you Know what, what, what, what do you think? What are you gonna say?

Speaker 2:

No, what do you say?

Speaker 1:

Go ahead. I was the same, but you watch every episode of the show. I know you're gonna say that so um.

Speaker 2:

But I feel like if you have something like a particular success, in the area of expertise, you can pretty much say anything you want and people will take it as like oh, that's genius, because like, think of completely bash you and be like you're full of yourself. Well, there's that too, but it's like I think of somebody this.

Speaker 1:

I don't know who it is, but like he's like.

Speaker 2:

A math whiz like he he is, so he's like a human calculator. But he explained that he sees numbers as colors and shapes and patterns And it's just like how the frick does that even make sense? But people are just like, wow, that's crazy, that's a. But I feel like that's a bold face lie, like if I was a kid and I was a kid and I was a kid and I was a kid and I was a kid and I was a kid Like if I was.

Speaker 1:

But again, we're all created differently and all of our brains are sure differently or we take things in.

Speaker 2:

I understand basically why I say this is that just because somebody is successful and they look the part, really listen to what they're saying. Yeah because it doesn't always. It doesn't always, it's not always gold. Just because they have the look and they have the success, just because they have it doesn't mean what they're saying is solid, because, guaranteed, that guy just is just really good with numbers and he's smart. He doesn't see patterns and shapes like who the If I was funny trail.

Speaker 2:

But if I was ever famous for anything, i would just make up the most absurd thing ever. Like you always see people on their podcasts and People like who got rich overnight or whatever, and they're just like overnight Yeah it's like I woke up at 2 am And then I just stood on the grass, i grounded myself And I just stare at the Sun three hours.

Speaker 2:

I had to just get my head right. If you're not willing to do that and it's like, okay, well, he's successful, i'm gonna do that because obviously that'll make me know, just because he's it's true though We do, we all strive to be like instantly successful in the money aspect of things.

Speaker 1:

so when people Say stuff like that, yeah, we do, like break it down or like, well, should I be doing that? Yeah, it's just like we are so stupid sometimes, like us as human beings. We're just like no. So yes, there are. It's a small percentage of people that are like Are an overnight success. Yeah, I get literally happens.

Speaker 2:

It is what it is.

Speaker 1:

But a majority of people have worked their butts off. Yeah, you get to where they are. We just have not seen the struggle right Any what before, right before we get back on track.

Speaker 2:

Yeah the funny. It was a bit. It was a parody of what I was I've been saying and the guy was like, when it was black and white and he's talking, he's like I only got this way because I never let anybody Take anything from me. He's like went to the doctors one day and he's, and the doctor said I had A appendix. What is that called when it's appendicitis, appendicitis. He's they were gonna have to take it out. And he's like sure, doc, why don't you come over here and take it? He's like and he didn't, i wouldn't let him because I don't lose. It was a joke, but it's just like. It just speaks to the absurdity of like. If that dude was actually successful And he was saying those that stuff, people would literally be like did you hear what this guy said? Oh man, we should do that, we should live with appendicitis, because he did and he was successful. It's like no, yeah, i really have to decipher if that's the word decipher What you're taking in. Yes, because a lot of sense for yourself.

Speaker 2:

Have some sense for yourself, because what works for them might not work for you.

Speaker 1:

Is it a sin to want to be successful, successful in? a very not like vague sense of the word.

Speaker 2:

Well, what's the Bible say about that?

Speaker 1:

Well, that's the next question. What does God say about it? I got a couple scriptures for you.

Speaker 2:

What version is it? I don't know and I've e probably message or ESV.

Speaker 1:

Proverbs 16, verse 3, says commit your work to the Lord and your plans will succeed, even if you're lost and don't know your way through a difficult situation right now. Give it up to God. Make a promise with him that you will see it through or, sorry, that he will see it through right. And Then I didn't actually get what scripture this one was from. But Success is obedience to God, empowered by the Holy Spirit, motivated by love for God and directed towards the advancement of his kingdom.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm so I do not believe that it is a sin To want to be successful. Right, because God has called us to live an abundant life. He doesn't like us as Christians. We don't deserve to just sit back and be humble and be like I just give everything and I have nothing in my life. It's like no, we live once on this earth. God has called us to live abundantly, which means to be well taken care of and like We don't. We don't need the million dollar homes or anything, or maybe you do, i don't know. But like right, we are called to live for him and to forward his kingdom, and in that God takes care of us. Right, because we're taking, we're taking care of his kingdom.

Speaker 2:

So I think. No matter What, though, god always sees your heart in what you do all the time. So if, like, even if you buy that million dollar house, god sees your heart. it are you buying that million dollar house because You need to show, so-and-so how great you are? Yeah or do you want the million dollar house because you need to show So-and-so? look how big this is, it's like. Well, then I feel like you're getting into Pride.

Speaker 1:

And there's been a lot of Christians throughout the world in history that have fallen because of stuff like that Right, the pride and the greeting. This gets in the way because it clouds your judgment and then you get Take it down by it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, one thing I never really thought of until recently was that because it's like People or there's this thought that Christians need to be poor and it's like Jesus wasn't poor, No like he actually wasn't cuz I never, even I never really thought about it.

Speaker 2:

It's like when it says Judas was skimming off the top of the tides, or not the tides, the offerings and like the Whatever. It's like they were being given money and think of how influential Jesus was. People were like the woman was giving her last Two coins, was it, or I can't remember, but it's like people were giving to them, so they had money and this was a carpenter, yeah, which was a very Joseph was as well, and that was a very successful business.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is a successful business, but it wasn't that time, especially because, yeah, I think, like people think, that Jesus was just kind of like this homeless guy that all of a sudden was just walking around and Bear it like, barely making it by and it's like had the the best, like threads to tune it to where.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Yeah, yeah, the Roman, the Roman Roman guards were tossing or doing casting lots to get his tunic. So because it was, it was one piece, i believe, and this is just. This is something I've been told. I can't say that I've researched it myself. So if I'm wrong or whoever, just do your own research just your own research, but from what I've been told is that that his tunic was one piece. It wasn't stitched together, it was one piece, so it's like very expensive very, very expensive.

Speaker 2:

So it's like he was wearing nice clothes. Judas was skimming off the top, so that means that there was enough to be skimming off the top.

Speaker 1:

So it's like Just never take that into account.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we don't. We don't ever think that the disciples of Jesus had money. So it's like, no, they did, because they had to survive, but it's like That doesn't. Sorry, i was correlating this to the question What does God say about it? Is it being successful? Yeah, so it's like Having money is it doesn't mean. It's like it's a sin. Yeah it's the heart behind it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're your character, we'll show through. Yeah but I feel like Hollywood is a true Yeah testament of that right now, because it's like, well, money and the lifestyle that we can buy with that is the be all and end all right now.

Speaker 2:

But they're all making the wrong decisions to get that right and I brought, i brought up Jesus and all that, because it's like The thought process of you shouldn't have money because it's bad, and say, well, they had money and What they did and what they yeah, what they did with it, what the heart behind it was, besides Judas, judas is a dirtbag. They had money and they did well with it.

Speaker 1:

They steward it well, yes, so I think that God entrusted them with more and more because they made the right decisions with it.

Speaker 2:

Right, i don't know. Once Jesus died and left and all that kind of stuff, rose again. First, and then left right, i don't know, i don't know the financial state of their disciples.

Speaker 1:

then they all went back. We don't know the financial state. Yeah, but it's like I think I don't have the record.

Speaker 2:

We don't have their T4s in front of us. But yeah, it's like There. As long as you steward it well, i think it doesn't matter how much you have. There's no amount of like luxury and success Like cuz even think I, like people think there shouldn't be mega churches. Well, i think that's pretty stupid, because it's like you don't want a place where believers can gather in the thousands and worship God. You don't think that there should be a mega church of just thousands and thousands and thousands of people now.

Speaker 1:

What's the heart behind it? What's?

Speaker 2:

the heart behind it. That's the thing is like well people. Do you see the pastor's shoes? Do you see how his outfit was like 10 grand? I Can see the argument for that, definitely, but we don't always know the the back back story, something they get gifted a lot, who knows, but What? what are they doing with that? It's like the one guy Guy that has a private jet and it's like he shouldn't have a private jet. Why is he need private? Is he flying to places? Is he? is he using that like is?

Speaker 1:

he stewarding vacationing or is he going to preach to Is?

Speaker 2:

he stewarding the jet. Well, that's all it matters, i don't think the amount that you have or the luxury that you have. There's no amount that becomes sinful. Yeah it's when you start Not stewarding it right. That's when it becomes sinful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and I will gloat about our pastor all day long. Oh yes his heart behind everything that he does is people, Oh yeah, and.

Speaker 1:

I believe he is a successful man, not in like Finances or anything, because I don't know the financial set state of his life, yeah, but he Deserves everything because of how he treats his ministry right. He is so Humble and beyond loving and like you can just see, honestly, you can almost see Jesus through him, right, because of what he does in his actions and he's so genuine and authentic in how he lives as a pastor. That is just like You know he's a human being, but it's almost like you can't find fault in him because of how great he is right. So, yeah, i don't have I don't have him to a high standard. He is a person but I have respect for him because of his actions and the character that he's built over the years of him Being a pastor right, that I have nothing. I will never have anything bad to say about him because his heart is so evident of Who he is and who Jesus is through him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the only bad thing about him is is a professional sports team choices. They're just not that great. But hey, shout out to pastor J if he listens, If you listen yeah you should tell him to listen to this. Yeah, Hey we talked about you and your horrible team choices Chargers Maybe this year.

Speaker 1:

No, probably not last question does obedience to God bring success in your life? Yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

All right, thanks for tuning in I.

Speaker 1:

Can attest to that with my life, like I, i got saved when I was about eight or nine, like I asked Jesus into my heart and like baptize, all this kind of stuff, and I Can honestly tell you that I've not strayed away from God's call on my life. Right, i made wrong decisions in my growing up years, in my, in my preteen years, in my teenage years, in my adulthood. I've made mistakes because I'm a human being and our default is sin. Okay, it's hard, it's hard to to make the right decision all the time, especially when you're a girl and you're just emotional and blah, blah, blah, whatever.

Speaker 1:

But my faithfulness to God and his faithfulness and loyalty to me Has blessed me more than I could have. If I took the reins in my own hands, like if I just took over in my life and just did whatever I felt and what I wanted to do and what I thought was best for me, i would not be where I am today. Right, i wouldn't have, i don't think I'd have a good husband. I don't think I'd have kids. I don't think I'd have a house right.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't be in the job position that I'm in, like I just I wouldn't be where I am today. Yeah, so it. Just Being obedient does not mean like I I Adhere to all these rules and I follow them blindly, like it's. It's about a relationship with Jesus right, that I have to Commit to every single day, try and find time to in the day, amongst my kids, in our schedule and all this kind of stuff and right, and just Make sure that I'm just Being Jesus to people. That's really all that I want to be in life. I just want to make sure that I'm being Jesus to people right because there's enough cranky people in the world that Have bad attitudes right

Speaker 1:

that you, that you run into on a daily basis. Why do you want to be somebody that is Contributing that in life Like I? I do get in order to those people, but you know what they are dealing with something that you don't know or understand or whatever and They they probably get yelled at or whatever back at people with their bad attitude. So it's like I just want to be loving to those people and just make sure that I'm always nice Wherever I go, right despite my life circumstances, because I do have my Circle of trust of people that I confide in and right deal with my things. But End of the day, i just want to be Jesus to people right, i Fail constantly yes.

Speaker 2:

I agreed. I would say obedience Will does lead to success, but I would say obedience doesn't always look like its success, because I think I think of a family that we know and one of The things that was on their hearts, and they truly believed that they were called to, was to move to the States and to live there and start a business and all that. And they sold everything and that was, that was an act of obedience to God. And So they, they obeyed God, they sold everything, they packed up, they left and they got denied into the States.

Speaker 2:

So people would look at that is like, well, you didn't, you didn't listen to God carefully, our people I mean some people rejoiced in the fact that they couldn't go and it's just like, oh, that's just, that's just not good. But it's like you could. You could look at it. It's like, yeah, they were obedient, but it didn't lead to success. Well, it's like, no, maybe it didn't lead to success in that moment, but now God knows that they are obedient. It's the same concept as Abraham and Isaac like the.

Speaker 1:

Sunday go kill him, Yeah well.

Speaker 2:

Which the walk back down the mountain after that is like what do you even say Yeah, you want to tell me what that was about. Son, god told me to do it. Don't worry The there was a goat, it showed up, it's calm down the last yeah relax, but it's like it It showed Abraham's obedience.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but and it, so to speak, to about this family. It's like it's in the moment. It didn't look successful, but in the eyes of God it showed that they were obedient and it led to success. Yes, so just because you're obedient doesn't mean your life's gonna be successful. It will I. I truly do believe if you're obedient to God, it will lead to a successful life. But it doesn't just happen, right. So it's like I'm being obedient, i'm serving, i'm trusting God.

Speaker 2:

My life is not great, i think the checklist Yeah in your, in your eyes, is your checklisting or check listing? Yeah that's a word made it up. All words are made up Check, check, listing, and it's like okay.

Speaker 1:

God, i did it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like I'm doing this, i'm doing this, i'm doing this. I'm doing this, i'm be.

Speaker 1:

I'm obeying you God which we've done this before.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, of course, and then it's like It's not successful. But And to a lot of people it might not look successful, but in the eyes of God we are obeying, regardless of how it seems, regardless of the outcome. So I think it's just a great testimony of that family that it's like, yeah, even in the midst of the being turned away and being all their plans and basically falling through and Scrambling, scrambling and it looking like they're, their obedience was misplaced. It wasn't because it showed God that they could be obedient and it led to great success. So, yeah, obedience Can it? obedience to God can lead to success. Yes, but it may not always look successful. Yes. So That's my story.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm sticking to it.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's not your story personally, but, yes, that's right, it's a story you shared.

Speaker 2:

It's a story I shared, but I didn't say their name, so I can't get in trouble. They can't sue me. Plus, I don't have anything you can sue me for, so best of luck. Yeah, so if you try to sue me, I'm helping because I would love to find something that you could sue me for.

Speaker 1:

That's just our, that's our take on what it means to be successful, and Yeah still learning and growing, and final thoughts Yeah, go. Obviously we do want to be successful Yep financially and free up the burden of debt and like Guilt when we shop, or more so, out my guilt when we shop, or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't shop.

Speaker 1:

But and like it also is just setting up our kids up for success too. We want to be the best example that we can be with like budgeting and planning and all this kind of stuff. So right, yeah, but ultimately it's, it's out of our hands as long as we're stewarding. Yes as best as we can and we're trusting God in the growing and The process that it takes to get to something or overcome something. That's all, that's all that's asked of us. Yeah is to trust, because he'll take care of us.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

He just won't tell us how he'll do it. Mm-hmm, What sucks for people that like to plan right Yours. I can ask me do you have final thoughts?

Speaker 2:

No, you say final thoughts.

Speaker 1:

Final thoughts.

Speaker 2:

Yes, success to me It's just God's. God's will being done in my life honestly, like whatever and you know it may seem like a cop out or it may seem like I have no purpose or goal, but it's just like God, whatever you want to do with me, whatever purpose you have on my life, as long as I fulfill it, i will be successful. I have my own personal goals and my own worldly goals of like what needs to be done in the goals.

Speaker 1:

I pray for favor with.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we pray for favor, but at the end of the day is just God's will be done in my life And it will be successful. Because God's will for my life is that I raised God loving kids, god fearing, serving his house, and they love him. His whole, their whole lives. That success.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Healthy marriage, that success As a successful business, that success. But it's like if that's God's will for my life and I Follow it and I walk it out, i'll be successful. So Praise God.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for tuning in. Hope you got something out of this Little thing.

Speaker 2:

Also that you need to hit up our website because, yes, i want to start making money from this. But here's the cool thing It's not that we're just making money from this. On our on our website, you'll see that there's like a you can support us and there's like three, three dollars, four dollars, five dollars, ten dollars, and it's a monthly thing. But what we're doing and I think it's pretty cool is that Every gift that's brought in to us will go towards supporting home of hope.

Speaker 1:

So that's pretty cool in the ante.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So that's pretty cool and a home of hope. If you don't know it is, go to our support page. You can read about it, what it is. But we just we love children and we want them to be fed and taken care of, because our thought process is that if we take care of God's children, he'll take care of ours. So praise the Lord. So visit our page. It's on. It will be on our social media.

Speaker 1:

I've already linked it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you click it and just give a monthly, and Let's feed some kids, let's take care of them. Praise God.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Not bad for a. How long have I been a pastor? like a week, you're not.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 2:

Here's a serious question. Who was the first pastor of all time? I don't know How do you think they became a pastor. They just they declared it okay, but you can't why I get legally ordained.

Speaker 1:

Why can't I? you know what you can ask pastor J about?

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna have. No, i'm setting up a meeting.

Speaker 1:

I've already told you that you're not.

Speaker 2:

So you tell me I can't just say I'm a pastor, no like, why, amen?

Speaker 1:

Well, thanks everybody signing off love you all like most of you, appreciate the support and the comments. Keep them coming in. We love reading the messages from people. Yeah and stay tuned for next week. It'll be fun and exciting podcast, so stay tuned. The jabbers.

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